I discovered that oral sex does not mean to speak of sex:) and that can be a magnificent complement in a sexual relation or to constitute by he himself a complete sexual act.
Oral sex consists of all sexual activities that involve the use of the mouth, which may include use of the tongue, teeth, and throat, to stimulate genitalia. Cunnilingus refers to oral sex performed on a woman, and fellatio refers to oral sex performed on a man. Analingus refers to oral stimulation of the anus, and although it is a form of oral sex, the term "oral sex" usually refers to oral stimulation of the genitals.
People may engage in oral sex as part of foreplay before intercourse, or during or following intercourse. It may also be performed as its own sex act."
Throughout this note you will discover the technical bases to make (or that do to you) a fellatio very stimulating, but it remembers that first of all to make enjoy to the other, you must also enjoy your.
After all, being gay always it is easier to know what feels the other, and to do it because you like and you enjoy will be much more effective that any other advice or technique.
Rule 1. To speak it with the other.Without doubt, nowadays oral sex is a practice very extended, specially if we spoke of homosexuals. In the sphere of the heterosexual during years the felación like a degrading or immoral practice has been seen, Nothing else far from the reality. Oral sex supposes an excellent previous step to the sex or a sexual relation in itself.It is possible to say that in a sexual option so harassed as it is the homosexualidad, little can influence the retrograde values that historically have been used on this practice. In spite of this greater initial predisposition for the practice of oral sex between gays, the certain thing is that not everybody this ready to do it and/or to that they become it. For that reason always it can turn out positive to speak it and to leave the clear things from a principle, with it we will avoid any disagreeable gesture that during the sexual relation can little be exciting.
Rule 2. To look for a suitable position.In order to make a felación well it is necessary to look for a suitable position. Many valid positions exist. Basically, it is necessary to look for a comfortable position for both that allows the person who makes the felación, to have easy access to the genitals of the other. In addition, when the penis is turgid, it is preferable that the one that makes the fellatio has the perpendicular face to the penis. It remembers that the men we are, as a rule, very sensible to I stimulate line of vision, therefore a position in which can observe the act is very advisable.Some people can be certain scared to choke themselves while they make a fellatio to his pair. If this it is your case, to avoid it the penis with a hand surrounds while you make the felación. That way, you control until where the penis in your mouth is introduced.A habitual position is the one that who is going to receive the felación stretches upon the bed, with the face upwards, stretched (it can be something seated if it wishes to observe). The person who makes the fellatio has access to all the parts of the penis and to the testicles. This position allows to a good angle so that the penis between easily in the mouth.Another option is that that receives it it locates standing up or of knees. It can be uncomfortable for the person who makes the felación, but allows to make the felación without using the hands completely, leaving them free to caress to the pair. It is very good to make the touch of the butterfly. One is a technique of very stimulating felación. It consists of slightly passing the language throughout frenillo or the inferior face of the penis. Your companion can acariciarte the hair, but never to push or to move his head, since he can choke itself. Unless he comprises of the game agreed between both, in which case he can turn out exciting to feel as your pair presses your head slightly to control better the intensity and the rate of the felación. A very interesting position is the one that the person who makes the felación stretches upwards in the bed, with the head slightly raised (a cushion can be put behind). The other is located of knees so that the penis the height of the mouth has left. The person who makes the felación has total access to the penis and the testicles and can stimulate the anus, the perineo, the ingle, of her companion with the hands. Evidently, also she can autoestimular itself easily. In this position, your companion will have a privileged observation post, still more if the felación is ended up eyaculando.
Rule 3. You do not concentrate yourself only in the penis. Many people commit the error to concentrate their language solely in the penis. The penis is very erógeno, but in the body of a man other very sensitive areas to oral sex like the testicles, the perineo, English and the all zone around the penis also exist. You will be able to return crazy to your companion (or he to you) if you stimulate with the language and the hands the contour of the penis, deteniéndote in the English, the thighs or the space between the genitals and the anus (perineo). If we probably made the practice with special emphasis and fogosidad we will increase the excitation of our pair.
Rule 4. The USA also the hands. To take the penis with the hands while it is licked, to caress the testicles, to give a massage in the perineo they give to a man a total sensation of pleasing during the felación. It is obvious to say that some men (possibly the majority if we spoke of homosexuals as in this case) also enjoy the stimulation of the prostate during oral sex. He consists of which at the same time that with the mouth is applied oral sex to him, a finger in the anus is introduced to him: smoothly the zone of the perineo to the anus is crossed with the hand and the outer zone of the anus is caressed. The finger within the anus is introduced little by little being the palm of the hand in contact with the zone of the perineo. Slowly, a massage occurs on the inside, stimulating the prostate which produces to many men a fascinating sensation.
STEP BY STEP After these basic rules we happened to detail step by step as it can be the ideal to obtain a total stimulation and effective technique. You can slightly begin opening the mouth and approaching it the penis while you smoothly take it with a hand. It breathes in the penis and míralo with desire so that your companion begins to become an idea of which he is about to to arrive. It removes your language, and it crosses your lips with her to dampen them, watches your lover and it begins to lick the base to him of its penis, upwards slowly. The rule remembers that that said you did not concentrate yourself only in its penis; with the other hand you can be caressing its testicles, the perineo and/or to pass your fingers over the anus (it remembers whenever the communication is vital and therefore if you do not know your lover well, you must be alert to discover that it is what it likes and what no, observes his reactions, each man and each penis is different). It continues licking several times the penis of your companion, from the base to the end, as if outside an ice cream.From time to time, when you arrive above, it crosses with your language all the head of the penis (you do not forget the edge) and him to me also the hole of the penis, without absorbing it. It observes your pair. Approach at the top of the penis, bésalo, passes the language and introdúcelo in your mouth, surrounding it with your lips and avoiding the contact with your teeth (although to some men they like to feel a little friction with the teeth to the majority them cause incomodidad). Mantaint it there a little and low quickly introducing as much penis as can fit in your mouth (you can hold with a hand the part of the penis that you do not introduce in your mouth). Mantente therefore seconds and deslízate upwards until the head of the penis. Now you can give small blows him with your language, tighten glande with the lips and kiss it as if you wanted it to again extend and to cross with the language glande. Also you can give small bites, but you see with care.It above returns to introducirte the penis in the mouth and muévete down simulating a penetration. It observes the reactions of your pair, if it is closely together of eyacular then for, removes the penis from your mouth and returns to lick to him with more calm. When it has passed the “danger”, the sex returns to introduce the penis in your mouth again simulating. In case that it is to you exciting, it can be your companion the one that pumps moving the hip, marking therefore the rate of the felación. Simulating of this form a penetration. The idea is to have your companion constantly stimulated, almost but without arriving at orgasmo. It remembers to caress other parts to him of the body, and to stimulate with the language those erogenes zones to which we made reference in the Rule number 3. To some men it can excite to them that there is a visual contact while the felación takes place, of knowing it you do not cut and mírale with lujuria.You can be thus all the short while that you wish, which comes later is thing only yours. You can continue with another sexual practice or finish the felación eyaculando. In this case, you can want to swallow semen, some people do it, and to many men she enchants to them that its pair swallows it, or if you do not wish it, simply you can observe as the eyaculación takes place.In order to finish, it remembers that only the practice and the experience will allow you to make felaciones to your pair satisfactorily. If you have proven it and they are not absolutely satisfactory, you do not surrender. Perhaps you do not like, then you do not worry, on tastes are nothing no written, are better not to make it do it without desire, as if outside a great favor. Otherwise, your pair could think that you are not to taste and the felación would stop being something satisfactory for both.
In order to finish this brief review to the practice of oral sex it is possible to mention some exercises that the Kama-Sutra gathers on oral sex. The data have been gathered of Internet and adapted to the tactical mission, after all, we also deserve kama-Sutra gay.1. Nominal union. You maintain the penis of your pair with your hand while you press it between your lips, imprimiendo to him movement to your mouth. 2. The bite in the flanks. It takes the penis of your companion with the fingers by the base as if a branch of flowers one was and muérdelo smoothly with the lips and the teeth by the flanks.3. The outer suction. It takes the base from the penis and introdúcelo until the bottom of your mouth tightening strongly with the lips and you see stretching it towards outside maintaining the pressure. Once arrived in the end it opens a little plus the mouth to facilitate a new penetration and repeats the same previous action successively.4. The inner suction. It successively introduces the penis of your pair in your mouth tightening with the lips and introdúcelo and removing it without letting make pressure with the lips.5. The kiss. Maintaining the penis in your hand you see kissing it way of small bites smoothly or tiny amounts.6. The absorbed one. After kissing the penis of the described form previously it caresses it with the language and chúpalo with fruición prepucio.7. The suction of the handle. It introduces half of the penis in your mouth and succiónalo with force, as if a substantial handle one was.8. Engullición. It introduces all the penis within your mouth (and even the testicles) tightening it against the throat as if you wanted to devour it totally. You can ayudarte of the hands and also apply movements of swing to the trunk of the penis. Also you can use one of the hands to caress the testicles, the rumps and the anal zone of your pair.